Why are you apologizing all the time?
Do you apologize for everything?
Do you know someone who does?
Does it make you wonder why they apologize so much?
Do you feel sad for them?
Do you feel that someone might have mistreated them?
If you’re reading this there’s a reason you’re here. Maybe you know that , maybe you’re searching for that thing . Realize you are a walking, talking, feeling, miracle of life here to live that gift of life as you wish. Hopefully one filled with, love , joy, passion, compassion, fulfillment, wonder, celebration and the realization that YOU are creating your here & NOW with every single inhale & exhale.
That’s the good news and the bad news. Good news because it’s up to you to change what feels off, lousy & unfair.Bad news , there is no right answer , no magic bullet, no personality theory, or neuroscience latest finding that fixes you. Because YOU are a unique mix of all the good & perceived bad in the world. How could you not be. Think about that ,really think about that . You hopefully will draw the conclusion you’re a pretty amazing person who has stacked the deck more towards happiness, fulfillment & peace of mind .